Sunday 19 March 2017


President Museveni has condemned the killing of the Assistant Inspector General of Police Andrew Felix Kaweesi by gunmen he described as thugs riding on motorcycles.
As a consequence of these repeated murders in the city and other towns, the President has directed the immediate installation of cameras in all major towns of Uganda and along the highways. 
“We have been planning to do this project for some time but we have been postponing it on account of other priorities like the roads and electricity. Since, however, these thugs think they can use this remaining gap in our otherwise robust security frame-work, I have decided and directed the Minister of Finance to work with Police to immediately close this gap,” said Mr Museveni is a statement sent to media houses by his press secretary Linda Nabusayi.
Mr Museveni further noted that the security personnel and all citizens should be vigilant and on the lookout for these “thugs who have made it a habit to use motorcycles to kill people.”
“Remember the incidents of Joan Kagezi, Major Kiggundu (Mohammad) and a number of Sheikhs; they were killed in the same manner. If you notice such characters and especially if they are trailing a person with armed guards, you should take prompt action and challenge them,” added Mr Museveni.

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